Friday, April 30, 2010
The Blue Door Re-Opened
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Perfect Harmony

Harmony 2
using the Tim Holtz texture hammer (what will they think of next).
Monday, April 26, 2010
Live in Harmony

Open 2
The actual card has a background that is less mauve and more the color of leather. This card is very similar to the first Open card but has had a lot more Glossy Accents (Ranger) added. I really like that this product stays where you draw it on and dries crystal clear.
I'm going to have to pay attention to the door, lock, and key theme. I know that, although I am an introvert, or I guess because I'm an introvert, I am working to push my limits in terms of opening my creative self up to others with this blog, teaching art and other subjects, and putting my art cards out there for others to see on facebook and elsewhere. Everyone has been so supportive. So the opening, however tentative and scary, continues. You open me by being willing to look and comment and share your own work. I open by responding and sharing more.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Jules Verne: More Steampunk Cards
Plus I have been interested in exploring a style that I had completely overlooked (but appreciated, without understanding the distinct style) and that has been an inspiration to movie makers, writers, artists and illustrators for many years. Since steampunk is, for the most part, a rather masculine style, I decided to make my first steampunk card a variation of my easter card (see Steampunk Spring). I thought that that picture of a 12 year old in her Easter outfit would be a nice contrast to steampunk goggles and other images of adventure.
Next I decided to focus on the writers who brought steampunk to birth. Jules Verne, H.G. Wells and others all came to mind. I started with Jules Verne. I remember seeing the Disney Version of 20,000 Leagues Beneth the Sea when I was a child.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Steampunk Spring
You know, I think she looks like a "tourist" dressed up in native costume. She has given me the idea to do a time traveler series--with costume and background of various ancient cultures. That might be fun. In the background of this card are: a Kraken, a flying ship. In the midground: men in Victorian suits pointing. In the foreground: our Steampunk adventurer and Spring flowers.
Imagine that there was wonderous steam powered technology in the 1800's, now you are getting warm. Think the Wild Wild West TV series (not so much the movie), Dr. Who, Sherlock Holmes. So you want to have your computer outfitted with fine polished wood and brass as if it were a Victorian artifact? That would be current day Steampunk. Say you want to dress up like a Victorian adventurer complete with time travel proof googles. Yes, that's it. Now throw in the works of a few literary geniuses, for example, H.G Wells and Jules Verne. Stir in Walt Disney and other inventive movie makers,(2000 Leagues Under the Sea, Atlantis, The pirates of the Caribbean, and other movies with a science-fiction/steam powered technology/fantasy bent), and you would be "there". Playful, nostalgic fantasy. I'm putting together a few
H. G.Wells and Jules Verne cards. I'll post them when they are done. For more crafty "Steampunkery" check out
Also check out a book in the process that is calling for Steampunk submissions:
Monday, April 19, 2010
There are lots of potential metaphors that can be drawn. Just like life you need to use what you get and hope you can have some luck and can fully utilize your "free" space and become a "winner". I think that everyone has that "free" space and just like many religions indicate one has only to look to the "center" to find it.
Maybe I can imagine that the numbers are the special years, (or days of the year) that were/are auspicious in life. Maybe it is just the idea of an innocent, low tech game that makes us nostagic for a simplier time. Maybe its just a fun background to play with. There are an infinite number of BINGO markers you could use, (roses, bugs, diamonds...). The numbers could mean anything that makes sense to you. A locker combination? Your lucky or unlucky numbers? The day of your birth or a loved one's death? Something silly or nothing at all.
I got a vintage looking BINGO card in a K & Company emphemera pack
So far I've made 5 cards, here's my latest. See what you think and if you can find some inspiration.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Flames and Tears Revisited
Most people have "bad days" sometimes. Here are some of the "reasons" I sometimes list: hormones, worries, a glimpse in a three-way mirror, irritations seemingly beyond my control, being tired, under the weather? No matter--it is always amazing to me that all the facts of life from day to day don't change that much--but the same circumstance can seem like heaven or hell. Makes me suspect that my attitude towards things (hopeful? despairing? choose one) makes the big difference. Of course art making (here's a secret--doesn't matter how "good" the art is) gets my eye and hand, mind, spirit and heart to work together.
As an art therapist I would say: "Creative Self Expression supports authenticity and self integration". Probably one of the mom's of art therapy said something like this but it has become my own. It means we have fun, get insight, partake in the creative process (more about that in another entry).
Saturday, April 17, 2010
ATC "Baggie Swap"
This is called "Library for Heidi". A picture of a bookshelf was provide plus photo corners, a small black shell charm (became the clock), picture frame hardware (became dangles), ribbon (become edges of bookcase), a paper tag that I never did figure out how to use and destroyed in the process of altering it (things happen). I was asked to include the figure of a woman as well. I had a transfer image that I had made that was about the right size, that I cut out--she is the "ghost" at the right. I made her a bit more dimensional with Ranger Glossy Accents. The word "library" came from a scrap of found paper.
Flames and Tears

So what does it "mean"? I've been stressed lately--financial issues, worry about my health mixed in with feeling a little under the weather and concerned about earthquakes, volcanos and trying to make the best choices for today and the future. My subconscious is telling me that this reality I'm facing and creating may feel like "Flames and Tears" but insights (lightening) and transformation (butterfly) are a reality to be embraced as well.
Great to have my thirteen year old making cards and collaborating on cards with me! Here is his latest. I have a feeling that I, as "Mom", might be the "Editor". He has been asking me to stop interupting him (like he says I "always" do) and to give him more time to say what he is trying to say. Message received (embarrassed face).

He created the background with antiquing spray (Tsukinek, Walnut Ink), then layered words and images from K & Company. Hey, I see a face in this one too (smile). Patrick says: "It doesn't mean anything". I believe that the images we create, just like dreams, are messages from the subconscious and/or the superconscious, to our waking consciousness. All that is necessary is for the conscious mind to see them.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
ATC Art History Cards
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Bonus Monster
April 15th addendum 12:03
Oh Man! I just got a call from my son's school saying that he had brought his magnifying glass to school and he and two other boys got in trouble for starting woodchips on fire on the playground. In school suspension. Yikes. This all started from a science class experiement but probably should not have bought him the magnifying glass so he could do his own (supervised, I thought) experiments. Liked the art application (see above) but will confiscate the magnifying glass for now, except for actually magnifying library items.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Signed up for the "2010 Project 365 ATC" at Naked Heart Art Studio
Here are the ATC I made today:

acrylic skin (soft gel matte) with 7gypsies letter rubbing and Iridescent Gold Deep acrylic paint (Golden). Raindrop stickers from Recollections (Michaels). Backing board is a piece of packing material from something stickers or something, maybe the lettering.