2011 Goals Collage
In the '90s I taught a workshop called "Everyday Art Therapy". During the workshop we explored the "classic" art therapy techniques: drawing, painting, clay and collage. I had my workshop participants make two 8 1/2" X 11" collages, one describing life issues, one describing life goals. This was often described as a favorite activity in the workshop.
We would then do mind maps about each of the collages, followed by a journal entry for each. My thinking is that collage making is a right brained activity--putting one in touch with personal imagery and symbols. Mindmapping is a technique that utilizes the right brain function (free association) with a left brain function (word choice). Traditional journaling (just words, no images) is more of a left brain function. Mind mapping works like a bridge from the collage (subconscious/intuitive mind) to the journal entry (conscious/rational mind). In this way the subconscious mind (which can often provide very useful information) can offer insight to the conscious mind.
Over the years I have gotten into the habit of making an "Issues" and "Goals" collage right around the New Year each year. The "Issues" collage is often a record of things I would like to change or address, while the "Goals" collage is about what I intend to create in the New Year. It is very useful to contrast hard realities with goals. As an analogy it could be like a person getting on the bathroom scale to honestly evaluate the state of things, then setting a goal of an ideal weight for the future. Until the actual state of things is faced goals for the future can not be effectively steered towards.
Issues: Turning 60 in 2011 (Life is Short) so learning to savor and not waste each precious moment on the planet. Feel like I want to upgrade my "style" (woman in a potato sack) so looking to upgrade my wardrobe; still shocked and confused by the sudden reversal of my fortune in terms of working as a career college instructor (confused face, puzzle pieces, Saturn) so needing to re-boot my working life and determine my next direction. Sometimes feeling like I don't know how to play the game (Bingo) and that its all luck anyway. Yet still feeling inspired (shining star in upper center) and enjoying my freedom (pink bird) before I find my new job.
Happy New Year Everyone!